Innovation for Brands

Smiling is an Innovation company that develops new technologies for the creation of new value-added services: Blockchain, NFT, Web 3.0, video / TV applications, software platforms


Follow or be followed
this is the question

Smiling is a software house with a technological innovation approach in all processes that require data and information integration systems, in the MarTech (marketing technologies) and AdTech (advertising technologies) fields. We make state-of-the-art technology available, developing customized systems and often creating solutions not present on the market.



What can we do for you

NFT Marketplace

Thanks to Smiling Token, companies can publish fully customizable NFTs that can be traded in the main NFT marketplaces .

Crypto Loyalty

The Cryptoloyalty Smiling platform allows companies to offer loyalty points systems for the purchase of NFTs or cashback in cryptocurrency

Video / HBB TV

Smiling Video is a third generation web platform for publishing and distributing quality videos on major news websites

System Integration

Smiling SI supports companies in the integration of data and information and in the customized development of new value-added services


They trusted us:

Start a Project

Are you ready to innovate? We are. And we are available to face new challenges with you

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Smiling Srl is an Innovative SME registered in the Register of Startups and Innovative Enterprises of the Italian State


Smiling Srl
Via G. da Procida 35/A
20149 Milan (Italia)
Tel. +39 02 98670076

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A coffee is always
And also a match
table football 🙂