Advertising Technology




Smiling Video

The core product is a video advertising platform that allows to plan preroll videos on quality content.

The platform is used by more than 500 publishers and content providers, who use it for its performance and for its innovative proposition.

Smiling.Video’s customers are more than 100 top brand companies among the major investors in advertising

Smiling AI

The evolution of which aims to improve the user’s journey within the conversion funnel. Starting from the top and using our core product,, we improve the efficiency of the performance tools used by customers thanks to an algorithm that acts on the media mix to which the user is subjected in the various stages of the funnel, generating a greater interest in advertising messages.

Smiling Connected TV

With Smiling CTV they can be planned dozens of televisions with “Lanner” formats. Smiling has designed and developed innovative formats, that allow for extremely effective interaction. We work with the customer to develop the best creative approach that is able to involve the user on TV, an extremely innovative tool in the training phase.


Monthly Video views

Video delivered

reachable users

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Smiling Srl is an Innovative SME registered in the Register of Startups and Innovative Enterprises of the Italian State


Smiling Srl
Via G. da Procida 35/A
20149 Milan (Italy)
Tel. +39 02 98670076

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A coffee is always
And also a table
football match🙂