Smiling Video



Smiling is a new “third generation” web platform for the publication and distribution of quality videos on news, information, sports, entertainment, fashion, travel, cuisine websites.

Smiling allows all online publishers to publish quality videos of all genres: sports, information, Italian and worldwide news, cinema, TV, music, etc. Not in a widget but within your own articles. Or create your own video gallery. No fixed costs for the publisher.

To content providers – they are a sports league, a concert organizer, TV or a videomaker or video journalist – Smiling allows you to earn single capillary on they are websites. In Italy and in the world.

Our numbers:



- more than 500 italian and foreign pubblisher


- 120 milion of monthly video views


They trusted us:

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Smiling Srl is an Innovative SME registered in the Register of Startups and Innovative Enterprises of the Italian State


Smiling Srl
Via G. da Procida 35/A
20149 Milan (Italy)
Tel. +39 02 98670076

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A coffee is always
And also a table
football match🙂