Blockchain for Brands

Blockchain software house for marketing. Web 3.0 is a rapidly growing world but with an undefined perimeter. Smiling Token is the Blockchain division that develops owned platforms and ad hoc projects for our customers. We create innovative solutions that allow companies and organizations to make the best use of their digital assets by experimenting with new frontiers.


Crypto Loyalty

Smiling: software house blockchain for marketing

Web 3.0 already allows the use of innovative tools, which are the basis of the technologies of the future. Absolutely interesting solutions for the most digitized customers and trendsetters. Which lead ever larger customer audiences.

Hitting and satisfying this target means:

  • Investing in the future of loyalty, with an effective tool.
  • Giving an image of innovative companies that rides trends. A “leader” instead of a “follower”.

Smiling offers its own Cryptoloyalty / Blockchain for Loyalty technological platform to companies in the large-scale distribution / retail sectors and / or companies with highly recognized brands.

Through this innovative platform, companies can offer their customers:


Blockchain based fidelity programs


Crypto campaigns

Target: trendsetters

Tools for the most innovative customers. The trendsetters who lead the masses

NFT catalogs

Non-Fungible Tokens are an expanding phenomenon. Loved by tech addicts. And not only…

Crypto cashback

Offering discounts in cryptocurrency is possible. And many want it



A system that combines the advantages of a centralized platform with redemption on decentralized wallets


NFT Marketplaces

Non-Fungible Tokens” (NFT) are a rapidly expanding reality worldwide. Smiling is a blockchain software house that helps companies explore this “new digital world”.

Thanks to Smiling Token companies have at their disposal a publishing platform of owned NFTs that is totally customizable and interoperable with the main marketplaces.

To produce unique digital assets, enhancing the brand and company history with multiple methods and purposes, but always in line with the specific Brand philosophy of each company.

We guarantee the success of Italian and global initiatives with particular attention to the following aspects:


The security and integrity of brand value


The proposition of digital products in an innovative way


Crypto Engagement

For big brands, the blockchain gives the opportunity to structure new ways of engaging their audience, their supporters and / or the broad world of influencers.

In particular, towards a well-defined segment of the population: millennials and early adopters of all ages.

Hitting and satisfying this target means:

  • Investing in the future of loyalty, with an effective tool.

  • Giving an image of innovative company that rides trends. A “leader” instead of a “follower”.

Our offer:


Engagement campaigns based on cryptocurrency / NFT rewards


Blockchain platforms for the community of "brand lovers"

Do you have an innovative idea?

If you want to find out what possibilities Blockchain technology can offer to your company, we are at your disposal

Partnership Programme

If you are part of a consulting company, a media or communication agency, a software house and / or other person interested in having a partner specialized in blockchain technology, discover our partnership program. We will be happy to go to market together with your organization

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Smiling Srl is an Innovative SME registered in the Register of Startups and Innovative Enterprises of the Italian State


Smiling Srl
Via G. da Procida 35/A
20149 Milan (Italy)
Tel. +39 02 98670076

Come to visit us

A coffee is always
And also a table football match🙂